

Advanced Feminine Alchemy

Unlock the fast track of conscious evolution and discover the power of Feminine Alchemy with this 7-part audio series offered by Ariel Spilsbury. 

This course is not just an intellectual investigation, it is rather an experiential dive into direct frequency transmissions from the Divine Feminine, held in a transmutational alchemical matrix.

You will learn how to transmute shadow (unconscious material that keeps us reacting like hamsters running on a wheel), and raises your vibration to new heights.

With supporting materials and deepening exercises, this course covers topics such as:

  • Entering the Womb of Silence
  • Harnessing Holograms
  • Fractals and Synchronicity
  • Reclaiming Our Relationship with the Moon as Creational Compass
  • and Activating the Heroine’s Journey in Your Life.

See why this is Ariel’s personal favorite course, available with select Sanctuary memberships or as a standalone purchase.

Membership Access

Access this course for the duration of your membership.

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